Bad weather grounds flights between Manila, Tuguegarao

Flights between Tuguegarao and Manila were canceled Thursday due to bad weather, the Manila International Airport Authority (Miaa) said.

In its advisory, the Miaa announced the cancelation of the following flights as of 10 a.m.:

Cebu Pacific

5J 506 Manila – Tuguegarao

5J 507 Tuguegarao – Manila

PAL Express

2P 2014 Manila – Tuguegarao

2P 2015 Tuguegarao – Manila

In earlier reports, both airlines also announced flight cancelations between Manila and Tacloban and between Cebu and Tacloban due to repairs on the Tacloban airport.

READ: Flights to and from Tacloban airport canceledCebu Pacific cancels flights due to Tacloban airport closure

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said that authorities have started repairing the potholes on the airport’s runway caused by recent non-stop rain. /cbb