UK police end probe against Briton suspect

The Metropolitan Police Service in the United Kingdom (UK) has ended the investigation against Briton, Ian Griffiths, with regard to the kidnap-murder case of 6-year-old Ellah Joy Pique.

Griffiths, who is in the United Kingdom, is one of the suspects in the kidnapping and killing of the girl here.

Andrew Chalmers, the detective inspector of the Homicide and Serious Crime Command in the Metropolitan Police Service in UK, said Griffiths was released from his police bail commitment and that they “ceased all investigative activity into the kidnap/murder.”

Chalmers referred to Griffiths posting bail last April after he was detained. The UK police was investigating Griffiths in relation to the Ellah Joy case.

“This means Mr. Griffiths is now free to leave UK should he wish to do so,” Chalmers said in a letter addressed to Senior Supt. Louie Oppus, deputy director for operations of Central Visayas Police Office.

Chalmers, however, emphasized its continuing commitment to assist the local police officials in Cebu.

“Once a formal request for international aid has been accepted by the UK judiciary, then the Metropolitan Police Service will take all authorized steps to facilitate your investigation,” Chalmers said.

bring back

As this developed, Cebu Provincial Prosecutor Pepita Jane Petralba prepared the documents needed for the “government-to-government request” for Griffiths to be sent back to the Philippines.

Petralba earlier said that the Philippines and the UK had no extradition treaty and so the way to bring back Griffiths to the country to face trial would be through a government-to-government request initiated by the Department of Justice.

In an interview, Petralba said the documents would be submitted today to the Department of Justice.

“I hope the process won’t take long,” she said.

Griffiths and his Cebuana girlfriend Bella Ruby Santos are facing charges of kidnapping with homicide in court in relation to Ellah Joy’s death last Feb. 8.

The court has issued a warrant of arrest against the couple who remain at large.

Griffiths was arrested by the UK Crime Enforcement Agencies last April in relation to the Ellah Joy case.

He was released from police custody after spending two nights in jail.

Griffiths, however, has been subjected to police bail provisions in UK pending a request from the Philippines to have the accused back in the country.

no legal basis

Chalmers said they have no legal basis to continually take custody of Griffiths unless  “an international letter of request has been lodged by the Philippines.”

Meanwhile, Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Petronio Elesterio, the lead public prosecutor in the case, said charges of obstruction of justice might be filed against anyone  misleading law enforcers on the whereabouts of Santos.

Some of Santos’ friends told the media that Santos went to Hong Kong while another person said she’s in Mindanao.

“These are attempts to mislead the law enforcers. That is obstruction of justice,” Elesterio said.

He, however, said Santos’ lawyer Rameses Villagonzalo couldn’t be sued for  keeping in touch with the accused.

“Any communication confided by a lawyer to his client is considered privileged communication,” Elesterio said.

The public prosecutors yesterday opposed the request of defense lawyers to determine whether or not there was probable cause to issue a warrant of arrest.

Elesterio said the court issued an arrest warrant that makes the pleading “moot.” Reporter Ador Vincent S. Mayol