11-year-old boy missing

An 11-year-old boy who was sent on an errand by his mother in Manila last month has gone missing.

Josefina Miguel, 47, of 117 Ampioco St. in Balut, Tondo, reported to the Manila Police District Women’s and Children’s Protection Desk over the weekend the disappearance of her son, Joseff Miguel.

Miguel told probers that she asked her son on April 25 to buy rice at a nearby store. He never returned.

She added that she had asked her neighbors and the owner of the store from where she had asked her son to buy rice if they saw him but nobody could provide her with any information.

The boy was last seen wearing a red sleeveless shirt worn over a pair of camouflage shorts.

Miguel said that anyone with information about her son’s whereabouts should call 0927-2559792, 0923-8261925, 090-92780719 or 2394753 and 4006068. Jeannette I. Andrade