De Guzman-Bello tandem drops Bailen from Senate slate

Ka Leody, Walden Bello drops bailen

This is a combination photo of presidential candidate Leody De Guzman (left) and vice-presidential candidate Walden Bello. INQUIRER FILE PHOTOS

MANILA, Philippines — The tandem of labor leader Leody de Guzman and professor Walden Bello — who are running for president and vice president, respectively — has dropped senatorial bet Agnes Bailen from their slate.

In a post on Twitter on Wednesday, De Guzman announced the final list of senatorial candidates that the tandem and their party, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM), will be supporting.

Senatorial hopefuls running under the PLM are environmental advocates Roy Cabonegro, and David D’Angelo and labor organizer Luke Espiritu.

The tandem is also endorsing eight guest candidates:

-Indigenous Peoples’ rights advocate Teddy Baguilat

-human rights lawyer Neri Colmenares

-Senator Leila de Lima

-human rights lawyer Chel Diokno

-Marawi, women and peace advocate Samira Gutoc

-Senator Risa Hontiveros

-labor organizer Elmer Labog

-labor advocate Sonny Matula

In March, De Guzman bared the PLM’s complete senatorial slate which then included Bailen. asked De Guzman’s camp as for the reason why Bailen was dropped from their list but has yet to respond as of posting time.