35,000 tablets of regulated drugs found in parcel

Some 35,000 tablets of smuggled regulated drugs were turned over last Friday to the PDEG (PNP drug enforcement group) by the interagency drug interdiction task group (IADITG) at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia). The Naia-IADITG discovered on Friday a parcel at Pair-Philippine Airport Ground Support Center in Parañaque City containing 26,170 tablets of Diazepam (Valium) and 9,173 tablets of Nitrazepam (Mogadon) worth some P535,000. Brig. Gen. Ronald Lee, the PDEG chief, said the parcel was shipped by “Muztaza and brother” from Pakistan and consigned to the International Medexchange Depot Inc in Zamboanga City. —JeanNette I. Andrade