Man wields battle axe to scare intruder away

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A man used his battle axe against an intruder after the suspect broke into his home in Michigan, United States, Thursday night, Nov. 7.

Ben Ball, 36 years old, used his replica battle axe from his Viking and barbaric weaponry collection against one Alex Lavell Rawls, as per Fox59 last Friday, Nov 8.

Rawls broke into Bell’s home around 11:30 p.m. while the victim was playing video games and watching the TV series “Rick and Morty”. Apparently, Rawls used to date Bell’s former roommate, who left to get away from the suspect.

The intruder persistently knocked on Bell’s door before he broke in, as per report. Bell was quick to respond by getting his axe and hitting Rawls once on the torso, before the two men started wrestling.

Eventually, the suspect ran. The neighbors then called the police and the K-9 dogs were able to trace the trail of blood which Rawls left behind.

Rawls has been charged with first-degree home invasion, with a maximum of 20 years of prison sentence.

Meanwhile, explaining his possession of the weapon, Bell said he participates in ritualized combat events in his spare time. He was quoted as saying, “I’ve got a double-headed carbon steel battle axe that was homemade by a gentleman who has since passed. That’s what I call my baby.” Cha Lino/JB


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