TESDA joins relief efforts

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) instructed its technical-vocational schools to send volunteers to assist the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in packing relief goods for Mindanao.

Tesda provincial director Toni June Tamayo requested tech-voc schools to send their students at the Lamberto Macias Sports Complex in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, where the relief goods are stockpiled.

Tesda information officer Geraldine delos Reyes said Metro Dumaguete College was the first to dispatch 20 Computer Hardware Servicing students who are covered by the Training for Work Scholarship Program to help Tesda pack relief goods.

Delos Reyes said Team Skills Inc., also a tech-voc school located at capitol area, will sponsor today a feeding program for the 500 flood victims at an evacuation site at Candau-ay Elementary School, Dumaguete City.

Tropical Storm Sendong brought heavy rains and flooding in Dumaguete City and other parts of Negros Oriental last Friday, killing at least 36 people, including children and leaving an undetermined number of families homeless.

Earlier, the DSWD appealed for volunteers to help pack the relief goods for the affected families of Tanjay City, municipalities of Sibulan, Valencia, Siaton, Amlan, Bacong, Mabinay, San Jose, Pamplona and Dumaguete.