IBP calls for transparency in implementation of new GCTA rule

MANILA, Philippines–The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) is calling for a transparent evaluation of the good conduct of convicts and the computation of their shortened imprisonment.

In a statement, the IBP acknowledges that Republic Act 10592 or the law that increases the good conduct time allowance (GCTA) for inmates is a valid act of Congress and that the Supreme Court ruling saying it should be implemented retroactively followed Constitutional principles.

However, the lawyer’s organization with over 50,000 members said it should be implemented with caution.

“The IBP supports the public clamor that the prisoners  proposed to be released especially those found guilty of heinous crimes be carefully reviewed by the Department of Justice (DOJ),” the IBP, through its national President Atty. Domingo Egon Q. Cayosa.

“We suggest that the basis for and evaluation of “good conduct” and the computation of shortened imprisonment be made more transparent,” he added.

The IBP suggests that the review and recomputation be uploaded to the websites of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and of the penal institutions.

The IBP added that it would also be a welcome move to inform the offended parties and their families of the recomputed imprisonment period of those convicted.

The GCTA became controversial after reports came out that former Calauan, Laguna mayor Antonio Sanchez, whom the Supreme Court itself, in one of its decisions called as the “one of the most notorious man in the country” will be benefited from its implementation.

Both the DOJ and the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) already denied reports that Sanchez will be released soon.

Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said the BuCor will still determine if Sanchez is eligible before doing a recomputation of his GCTA. But if he is not, then “there is nothing to compute.” /muf



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