Man sends penis-shaped chocolate to police employee, faces 6 months in jail


A man is facing six months in jail for sending a penis-shaped chocolate bar to a male employee of a sheriff’s office in Texas, United States.

Thomas Roy Gourneau’s trouble with the law began when he sent the candy bar to Tracy Chance in December 2017, as per the Waco Tribune-Herald last Monday, July 29.

chocolate, penis stock photo

Gourneau anonymously sent it to Chance, who works at the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office, as a prank, but the recipient did not take the gesture lightly. Chance responded by having a detective investigate who sent the package. The investigation revealed that Gourneau was behind the delivery.

The detective in charge of the investigation later obtained an arrest warrant in August 2018 charging Gourneau of misdemeanor harassment. Gourneau was jailed in December of the same year. He was released after posting bail of $2,500 (almost P130,000).

According to the report, Chance’s complaint against Gourneau said the sender had intended to harass him and suggested he engage in fellatio.

Meanwhile, Gourneau’s lawyer believes the prank resulted in a criminal case because Chance worked in law enforcement.

“I just think because this guy works for the sheriff’s office and it got delivered to him at the sheriff’s office that it was easy for him to walk across the hall and get a detective to look into the case,” the lawyer said in the report.

McLennan County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy David Kilcrease disagreed with the lawyer’s statement. He stressed that the prank was harassment and authorities were treating it as such.

Kilcrease later revealed the case was not only pursued due to the candy bar. He stated that Gourneau dated Chance’s ex-wife, and the men have a history of animosity between them. This also included troubling emails from Gourneau.

The two men will be facing each other in court, after Gourneau refused a plea deal from Chance and his lawyer, as per report.

Gourneau also faces fines of $2,000 (around P103,000) aside from six months in jail if he is declared guilty. Ryan Arcadio/JB


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