Cow steals spotlight at student’s graduation photo shoot

Senior animal sciences major Massimo Montalbano, and Amelia, a three-year-old cow, right, walk on the campus of University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. Montalbano, brought towering dairy cow to join his commencement photo shoot. (Missourian via AP) 

COLUMBIA, Missouri — University of Missouri students were stunned when a towering dairy cow appeared on campus to make a cameo in a graduation photo shoot.

The Columbia Missourian reports that senior animal sciences major Massimo Montalbano brought the 3-year-old cow, named Amelia, to campus on Thursday to join his commencement photo shoot.

Montalbano worked with cattle throughout his undergraduate studies with the university’s Foremost Dairy Research Center.

Montalbano initially presented the idea to Jim Spain, the vice provost for undergraduate studies. Spain referred Montalbano to the university’s operations department, which ultimately approved the request.

Spain says it’s not the first time a student has asked him to bring a cow to campus. But it was still a rare sight to unsuspecting bystanders.