Alejano to Duterte: You have no right to disrespect our faith

Magdalo Rep. Gary Alejano. file photo / Ryan Leagogo

MANILA, Philippines–Opposition lawmaker Magdalo Rep. Gary Alejano on Thursday decried as unacceptable President Rodrigo Duterte’s baseless tirades against Catholic bishops and priests.

“First, he called God stupid. Now, he calls Bishops useless and orders their massacre. Marahil ang mga pahayag na ito ay naka-ugat sa hindi pagsang-ayon ng Simbahang Katolika sa mga hindi makatao at hindi makatarungang polisiya ng administrasyon gaya ng Oplan Tokhang,” Alejano said in a statement.

(Probably, these statements are rooted from the opposition of the Catholic Church against the inhumane and unjustly policies of the administration like Oplan Tokhang.)

Whatever the Chief Executive’s reasons were, Alejano said the President’s unfounded remarks against priests and bishops were “unacceptable.”

“Ano pa man ang dahilan, malinaw na ang mga pahayag na ito ay hindi katanggap-tanggap. Ang ating pananampalataya na ating naging sandigan sa mahabang panahon ay binabastos lamang ng ating Pangulo,” the opposition senatorial candidate said.

(Whatever the reasons are, it is clear that these statements are unacceptable. Our faith that has been a solid foundation for a long time is being disrespected by the President.)

The staunch Duterte critic also condemned the country’s top official stressing that no one, not even the President, has the right to disrespect the faith of others.

“Ang mga Pilipino ay may kalayaang panrelihiyon. Walang sino man, kahit pa ang Presidente, ang may karapatang mambastos sa ating mga pananampalataya. Ang mga pahayag na ito ay walang puwang sa lipunang may takot sa Diyos,” Alejano added.

(Filipinos have freedom of religion. No one, even the President, has the right to disrespect our faith. These statements have no place in a nation of having a fear of the Lord.)

In a speech during the awarding ceremonies for the 2017 Presidential Award for Child-Friendly Municipalities and Cities in Malacañang Wednesday, Duterte launched more unfounded attacks against the Catholic church, which has been critical of his brutal war on drugs and anti-criminality drive.

Duterte called bishops “useless,” and even went on urging their killing for criticizing his administration.

“[I]tong mga obispo ninyo, patayin ninyo. Walang silbi iyang mga gagong iyan. All they do is criticize,” he said.

READ: Another joke? Duterte says Catholic bishops useless…kill them

He also claimed 90 percent of Catholic priests are homosexuals.

“No offense intended. I have so many relatives who are gay. I have two brother-in-laws who are gay. But most of the priests there are homosexuals, almost 90 percent of you. So do not postulate on my morality,” Duterte said. /jpv

READ: 90% of Catholic priests are gay, says Duterte