The Mandaluyong City police on Tuesday arrested a man accused of stabbing to death his 64-year-old father inside their house.
A report to Senior Supt. Moises Villaceran Jr., city police chief, identified the suspect as Rolando Bonsato, a 43-year-old resident of Welfareville Compound.
SPO3 Emmanuel Ermino, case investigator, said that Bonsato’s father, Rodolfo, was found dead on his bed around 7 a.m. on Tuesday.
Investigation showed that around five hours earlier, some neighbors reported hearing the elder Bonsato asking for help. But no one went to his aid because they were afraid.
“Later that day, the neighbors checked up on Rodolfo after they found it unusual that he had yet to leave the house as he usually did every morning,” Ermino said in an interview.
According to him, the victim’s relatives who lived nearby told authorities that the crime could have been committed by Rolando, his father’s only companion in their house.
Bad blood
“There have been previously reported cases of the son maltreating his father,” Ermino said, adding: “Rolando also reportedly hacked his father before but [the latter] was rushed to the hospital and survived.”
Acting on the information, the police arrested the suspect at nearby Barangka Ibaba where he had been staying with one of his cousins.
Ermino said Rolando had allegedly owned up to the crime before barangay officials although he refused to speak to policemen.
Initial investigation showed that the victim died of multiple stab wounds. Crime scene operatives also recovered a knife and a construction tool which would be examined to determine if these were the murder weapons.