30 houses razed in Calamba City fire

30 houses razed in Calamba City fire


LUCENA CITY — A fire of still unknown origin razed 30 houses on Sunday, June 16, in Calamba City in Laguna province.

The Region 4A police, citing information from Calamba City police, said in a report on Monday that the blaze erupted at 2:57 p.m. in the residential area in Barangay Lingga.

The fire was raised to 3rd alarm and put off around 5:30 p.m. The incident left 35 families homeless.

There were no reported casualties or serious injuries.

READ: 5 dead as fire hits ‘cracker factory in Calamba City

Firefighters were still investigating the incident to determine the cause of the blaze. Authorities have yet to ascertain the damage to the property.

The affected families stay at the nearby chapel and unaffected houses in the neighborhood. Local social welfare workers were taking care of the victims.

Village officials are asking for donations to help the fire victims.