What does outgoing Ombudsman Morales look for in a successor?

Conchita Carpio Morales —INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

Conchita Carpio Morales —INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

For outgoing Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales, her successor must have these traits: industry, independence and integrity.

In a television interview on Monday, Morales declared that during her seven years as Ombudsman, she never did “anything below the standard that I want.”

“The standard that I want is you must have industry, you must have independence and you must have integrity. Those are the traits that I want the succeeding Ombudsman must have,” Morales said over CNN Philippines.

With these traits, Morales said: “I can look at anyone straight in the face (and say): ‘I have integrity.’”

On the other hand, the outgoing Ombudsman said she was unfazed by President Rodrigo Duterte’s remarks that a woman should not be appointed as her successor.

“If he believes that a woman should not be appointed and that he would not consult me, that’s his own opinion,” Morales said.

Likewise, Morales said she was just “concerned” if the reforms instituted in the Office of the Ombudsman would “go down the drain” once she stepped down. /cbb