SSS: Printer malfunction delays release of checks
The release of checks for salary loan, death, disability, retirement, sickness and maternity claims would be delayed due to a printer malfunction, the Social Security System (SSS) announced on Friday.
In an advisory, the SSS said the delay covers all claims submitted from May 22 and onwards. This was the first time the SSS suffered a printer malfunction, it said.
“The necessary repairs are already underway and the SSS aims to have the checks ready for delivery to PhilPost starting June 8,” the agency announced.
“SSS is coordinating with PhilPost for special handling of these checks for faster delivery,” it said. “The agency apologizes for the inconvenience.”
The SSS said it would also notify some 106,950 affected members and pensioners of the delay via text messages through their registered mobile numbers.
Likewise, SSS members may send their inquiries via phone (920-6446 to 55) or email ( /muf