Bostolits drubs Myka in Sat. Club hoopfest

GRACE Bostolits drubbed MYKA, 98-80, Thursday night for its 4th win in five games to share the lead with Eunice Auto Parts in the Saturday Club Quiot Basketball Association (QBA)-2011 Christmas basketball tournament at the Quiot open court.

After a 19-all tie in the opening period, MYKA staged a 24-18 rally with Mike Perez and Dong Allera leading the charge to rule the half with a 6-point lead, 43-37.

In the 3rd canto, Grace Bostolits responded with a scorching 28-18 run behind three-point artist Toly Petiluna who exploded for 15 points in that stretch all from beyond the arc as Grace Bostolits grabbed a, 65-61 lead entering the final quarter.

In the 4th, the winners unloaded a, 33-19 bomb to seal the 18-point demolition.

Petiluna led Grace Bostolits with 26 points while while Mike Perez paced MYKA with 26 points.


BOSTOLITS (98)- Petiluna 26, Lasque 12, Dela Peña 10, Patrimonio 8, Llanura 6, Palma 6, N. Llamedo 6, Francisco 6, Malalay 6, Hugo 4, Padillo 4, J. Llamedo 2, Ochigue 2.

MYKA (80)- Perez 26, Allera 16, Osorno 15, Sereño 14, Rudinas 9. /Correspondent Dale Rosal