Porn publisher offers up to $10 million for dirt on Trump
In this photo, taken April 30, 2011, Larry Flynt speaks in Los Angeles, California. Flynt is offering “up to $10 million” to anyone who produces information that leads to President Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. He lays out the offer in a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post. (Photo by KATY WINN / AP)
Published: 8:20 p.m., Oct. 15, 2017 | Updated: 12:39 a.m., Oct. 16, 2017
WASHINGTON — Larry Flynt, the pornography publisher, is offering “up to $10 million” to anyone who produces information that leads to US President Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office.
Laying out the offer in a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post, the advert says: “Buried in Trump’s top-secret tax returns or in other records from his far-flung investments there may be a smoking gun.”
‘Unitary executive’
“The attempt to impeach Donald Trump will strike many as a sour grapes plot by Democrats to overturn a legitimate election,” it continues.
“But there is a strong case to be made that the last election was illegitimate in many ways—and that after nine tumultuous months in office, Trump has proven he’s dangerously unfit to exercise the extreme power accrued by our new ‘unitary executive.’”
Past offers
Listing a number of reasons for his removal, from “inciting violent civil strife with his racial dog whistling” to “sabotaging” the Paris accord on climate change, the ad states: “Most worrisome is that, long before a climate change apocalypse strikes, Trump might trigger a nuclear world war.”
It concludes: “Impeachment would be a messy, contentious affair but the alternative – three more years of destabilizing dysfunction – is worse.”
It is not the first time that Flynt has tried to obtain compromising information on Trump.
During last year’s presidential campaign, Flynt dangled $1 million to anyone who could turn over video or audio capturing Trump behaving in an illegal or sexually demeaning manner.
That followed the release of the 2005 “Access Hollywood” video in which Trump bragged of imposing himself on women.
Flynt also offered a similar reward in 1998, during the impeachment trial of then President Bill Clinton and put up a $1-million prize for details of Mitt Romney’s tax returns in the 2012 US election.
The White House didn’t comment on Flynt’s ad.