Faces of the News: Maia Chiara Reina A. Valdez

Illustration by Rene Elevera

Illustration by Rene Elevera

President Rodrigo Duterte, speaking before farmers in Talavera, Nueva Ecija last Wednesday, suddenly remembered sacking an undersecretary for endorsing the rice importation of local traders to the disadvantage of farmers.

“What face would I be able to show farmers here if I allow that? Why would we allow importation to compete with local food producers?” he told the crowd, without naming her.

Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol later identified her as Cabinet Undersecretary Maia Chiara Halmen Reina Valdez.

She reportedly convinced the National Food Authority Council to extend rice importation under the minimum access volume scheme, in defiance of the President’s order against extension.

As an alternate of Cabinet Secretary Leoncio Evasco, she reportedly had no authority over the rice deal.