Satur Ocampo: Ending poverty enough motive to revive peace talks
In this Aug. 17, 2017 file photo at Malacañang, President Duterte listens closely to Satur Ocampo, a consultant of the NDFP panel. FILE/ MALACAÑANG PHOTO
MANILA — Former Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Satur Ocampo, consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, urged President Duterte to look at poverty alleviation through the peace talks as the “compelling reason” to bring the two panels back to the negotiating table.
Mr. Duterte canceled the peace talks about two weeks ago a day after he lifted the government’s unilateral ceasefire with the New People’s Army (NPA), the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). The NDFP is the political arm of the CPP and the negotiator of the CPP and NPA for peace with the Philippine government.
“Peace talks will remain canceled unless there is a compelling reason that will benefit the interest of the nation,” he said.
At a forum discussing the peace talks on Thursday in Quezon City, Ocampo reminded the President of his campaign promise to pursue the peace talks with the communist group.
“I will assert that the compelling reason — something that he said both during his campaign and when he took office — is that he wants to work for peace and to solve the problems underlying the conflict,” the former solon.
He added, “It will be to the benefit of the people that the talks continue, especially for agrarian reform and rural development.”
The negotiations, which already reached the third round of formal talks, were canceled after three government soldiers were abducted and killed by the rebel group while both parties were on unilateral ceasefire.
Both the NPA and the military accused each other of violating their respective declarations.
But Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III, who served as chief government negotiator, said the accusations against government forces had no merit, since the terms of the ceasefires were not clear.
“There were no definitions, no parameters, on what constitutes a violation to the ceasefire,” he noted.
Ocampo called on Mr. Duterte to reconsider his position and instead recognize the gains from the negotiations.
“It will be unjust if that sole incident will hinder the negotiations that are already gaining ground,” he said.
“My message to President Duterte is to compare the advancement of the three rounds of formal talks to the supposed violation of the CPP-NPA in justifying the cancellation of the peace talks,” he added. SFM/rga