De La Hoya undergoing treatment

Oscar  “The Golden Boy”  De La Hoya is undergoing rehabilitation for “substance abuse” in a California facility.  According to sports and entertainment website TMZ, he did so voluntarily.

TMZ, which first reported De La Hoya’s problem, quoted the owner of Golden Boy Promotions as saying he will emerge “a stronger, healthier person.”

“Oh my God, is that right?” World Boxing Council president Don Jose Sulaiman said in an interview with the Inquirer.  “But what I respect and admire is that he took the decision to go into rehabilitation. I hope he can control that.”

“After doing an honest evaluation of myself, I recognize that there are certain issues that I need to work on. I do not want to be one of those people  afraid to address those flaws,” De La Hoya said in a statement. Ronnie Nathanielsz. /INQUIRER