No shortcut in Duterte war on drugs—Palace

No shortcut in Duterte's war on drugs—Palace

Malacañang on Thursday denied that President Rodrigo Duterte was taking a shortcut instead of following due process in his administration’s crackdown against illegal drugs.

“It’s not a shortcut,” Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella told reporters in a press briefing, referring to the move of Duterte in naming “narco-politicians” allegedly linked to the illegal drugs trade.

Abella said Duterte was only facilitating the process, knowing how long it takes for cases to be heard in court.

“It’s not a circumvention so much as shortening of process considering the fact that already there are 600,000 surrenderees, approximately. So he is simply facilitating process by encouraging those who are already considered persons of interest to come out and explain themselves,” he said.

The Palace official said Duterte was giving the alleged narco-politicians a chance to explain their side.

“He is simply saying these are persons of interest and that these persons of interest, considering the depth breadth and width of the problem, should now come and make the proper representation of their situation of their own personal cases,” he said.

“I think we should appreciate the fact he is calling our attention and not just an accusation, simply like I said it is an ample warning, your name is on the list for you to clear,” he added.

Abella said the country is now in “extraordinary times” that “require extraordinary action.”

Duterte has named local executives, including law enforcers and members of the judiciary, as allegedly involved in the illegal drugs trade. RAM/rga


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