What happened to ‘bright, young’ people in Duterte’s Cabinet?

Presumptive President-elect Rodrigo Duterte. NESTOR CORRALES/INQUIRER.net

Presumptive President-elect Rodrigo Duterte. NESTOR CORRALES/INQUIRER.net

DAVAO CITY—Wondering where the “bright and young” people are in the Cabinet of presumptive President-elect Rodrigo Duterte? If Duterte is to be believed, they might have been turned off by the low salary in the government.

READ: Expect the ‘best, brightest’ in Duterte cabinet, says Cayetano

In a late-night press conference on Monday, Duterte said that he approached them first as his Cabinet nominees.

“Ayaw nga (nila) kasi wala ngang sweldo. Ang tinatanong sa akin, Mayor magkano (ang sweldo)? Can you bring parity on the salaries between private and public companies?” said Duterte.

(They didn’t want it because there’s no pay. They asked me, Mayor how much is the salary?)

In the same press conference, Duterte was also noncommittal in appointing women members in his official family.

“Baka merong babae. Baka wala. (There may be a woman. There might not be one.) I am still trying to figure out kung sinu-sino,” he said.

READ: Still no women in Duterte Cabinet

The incoming President admitted that he is having difficulty choosing people for Cabinet posts, saying that every decision that he made so far was his own.

Fresh from their electoral victory, Duterte’s transition team announced that they want to pattern his Cabinet to that of the Cabinet of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau which has been extolled for its diversity and giving posts to a number of female officials.

READ: Duterte Cabinet to follow Trudeau’s—well represented, gender-sensitive

So far, the two youngest Cabinet members that Duterte has named are Public Works Secretary Mark Villar and Presidential Assistant Michael Dino.

Duterte’s Cabinet is composed so far of campaign donors, lawyers, law school classmates, and former government officials.

READ: Duterte names more members of his Cabinet

The incoming President said that most of his appointments will become final by the second week of June. JE