Vice President Binay: Roxas’ fine; I’m a team player

SAYING he is a ‘‘team player” and a supporter of President Benigno Aquino III, Vice President Jejomar C. Binay Wednesday wished former Senator Manuel “Mar” Roxas the ‘‘best of everything” in his looming appointment as Malacañang chief of staff.

Binay told reporters “of course, everyone must wish every Filipino who is extending his services for the good of their country the best of everything.”

“We should welcome [Roxas’] appointment,” Binay said in an ambush interview at the World Trade Center on Roxas Blvd., where he formally opened the 6th Puregold Sari-Sari Store Convention.

Binay pointed out the appointment of Roxas – Mr. Aquino’s running mate in the 2010 elections – to a top Palace post was the ‘‘President’s discretion.”

“I am a supporter of the President and I am also a team player. I’m happy that what [Roxas] will be tasked to do in government is for the good of the country,” he said.

Asked about legal questions on the creation of a Palace chief of staff position for Roxas, Binay said: ‘‘I’m not part of that problem. It’s the President’s discretion. He’s the leader. He’s the commander.”

‘‘Let’s see what happens after [Roxas] is appointed. Let’s see where he will be appointed,” he added.

Senator Joker Arroyo had questioned Malacañang’s plan to create a chief of staff post for the Liberal Party stalwart, arguing that the law does not provide for it.