New Vizconde slay witness found credible

STATE prosecutors may be filing a new case on the Vizconde massacre before the 20-year prescription period on the murder case ends on June 30.

A still unidentified female witness against the “real perpetrators” of the massacre has passed the lie detector test at the justice department, according to Ferdinand Topacio, the lawyer of Lauro Vizconde.

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima herself broke the news to Vizconde Wednesday.

“Secretary De Lima said the witness was credible since she passed the polygraph test,” and was confident a new case could be filed before June 30, Topacio said.

Topacio said he did not know whether there will be a new set of suspects or if Hubert Webb et al who were acquitted earlier would be the ones charged.

Vizconde said he was keeping an open mind about the DoJ charging a new set of suspects.

“If that would be the case, then so be it. I would respect that. But we should see first the evidence,” he said.

But Vizconde said he has never wavered in his belief that Webb et al were behind the gruesome murders of his wife and two daughters.

“My conviction is still the same. They were the only ones who had the motive,” he said. Marlon Ramos