Make this a literary summer
The Inquirer in Education Young Writers Summer Program for Filipino high school students is back.
A student may submit a poem with a maximum of 500 words. An essay or a short story must be limited to 1,500 words. The deadline for submissions is May 22.
Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form, which may be downloaded from The entry form must be completely filled in and signed by the student and a parent or guardian.
Entries may be submitted by e-mail to Indicate “Learning” on the subject line. Your e-mail should have these attachments: Your creative writing(s) and your completed entry form.
The three best poems, essays and short stories will be published in a special Young Writers issue of the Learning section on June 2.
Each entry must be the student’s unpublished original writing. If a parent or a teacher has made edits or changes to the student’s work(s), these should be minimal and the first version written by the student should also be submitted.
An entry may be deemed outstanding because it is original, engaging, simple but powerful, and has no mistakes in spelling and grammar; the language is descriptive, the sentences are well-crafted and the flow is smooth.
For more information, e-mail or text 0918-3824061.