Gov’t to review release of water from dams

MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang said Friday that the government would look into whether authorities made the right decision to release water from dams that caused widespread flooding in Central Luzon after the onslaught of Typhoon “Pedring”.

“In every storm situation, there’s always a post assessment. We assess what we’ve done after the storm. If there’s any correction to be made, that will certainly be considered,” Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said in a news briefing in Malacañang Friday afternoon.

“For instance, the release of water from the dam, that’s something that will be assessed, also,” Lacierda said.

Asked if President Benigno Aquino III found the flooding in Bulacan unacceptable especially if protocols on the release of excess water were followed, Lacierda said the President was quite concerned with the situation.

“I’m sure he is calling concerned officials to address the situation,” Lacierda said.