Senate adopts resolution recognizing women achievers

MANILA, Philippines — In celebration of Women’s Month this March, the Senate adopted on Monday a resolution recognizing women for their valuable contributions to society, particularly citing 14 women achievers and an all-woman mountaineering team.

The resolution introduced by Senator Pia Cayetano seeks to honor the economic, political and social achievements of Filipina women while calling for greater gender equality in the society.

“Women’s Month is an opportune time to recognize outstanding women who continue to raise the bar and break the glass ceiling, not only in the country, but also across the world,” Cayetano said in a statement

“It is important to continually acknowledge the role that women play towards nation building. The Senate is one with the country in celebrating Women’s Month by honoring outstanding and brilliant women from different walks of life who have been continuous achievers in different fields,”  she added.

The 14 women and a mountaineering team, who were recognized in the  resolution for their accomplishments in leadership, power and decision making are:

Senate President Franklin Drilon said  the resolution was an expression of the chamber’s recognition of women as equal partners in nation-building and driving reforms to Philippine society.

“We acknowledge the indispensable roles of Filipino women in advancing the nation. Their victories and achievements in their respective fields, sectors and responsibilities are that of the nation’s itself,” Drilon said.


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