Partnership for better infrastructure

Last Friday saw the formal launching in Cebu of the new initiative on Public-Private Partnership for Better Infrastructure or PBI, which aims to broaden participation in the allocation and implementation of infrastructure investments to support economic development and poverty reduction.

This new initiative was conceptualized and implemented by the Research, Education and Institutional Development (REID) Foundation, a policy research and advocacy group based in Metro Manila. The REID Foundation selected Cebu as one of the six provinces where it will implement the PBI. It recognized Cebu as a leading investment center in the country but one that it still faces a major challenge in infrastructure development given the underinvestment in previous years.

Through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed during the launching last Friday, the REID Foundation will work in partnership with the Cebu Business Club (CBC) to advocate for better infrastructure in Cebu. REID Foundation will provide technical assistance through a series of workshops on the national and regional economy, national budget, and procurement, among others. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through The Asia Foundation (TAF) is supporting these activities.

Before the launching, CBC met with several business groups and civil society organizations in Cebu where they discussed the rationale and objectives of the PBI. Convinced of Cebu’s need for more and better infrastructure, they agreed to coalesce and support the PBI. This agreement was also formalized through the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) during the launching last Friday. Other than CBC, the group that initially signed the MOC included the Cebu Leads Foundation Inc., Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc., the Mandaue, Mactan Island, American and European Chambers and Commerce and Industries, the Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Association of Cebu, Cebu Real Estate and Builders’ Association and the Step Up Young Entrepreneurs’ Association.

To pursue the aim of the PBI, the Parties of the Coalition agreed under the MOC to undertake the following activities:

1. Identify, prioritize and make a ready list of economically, socially and environmentally sound infrastructure projects which are critical for the development of Cebu, including the gaps in infrastructure development that need to be filled up;

2. Participate and engage the government to ensure that the recommended list of priority infrastructure projects for Cebu are considered and included in the National Government Budget, particularly the DPWH and DOTC, and implemented with greater transparency, accountability and responsibility;

3. Develop strategies to assist the DPWH, DOT, DOTC and other government agencies involved in infrastructure development in asset preservation and in the preparation, budgeting, procurement, and monitoring the implementation of approved and funded infrastructure projects for Cebu; and

4. Strongly advocate with the government to consult, utilize, consider and respect the expertise of other groups and individuals in the planning, development and implementation of infrastructure projects.

During the signing, Prof. Enrico L. Basilio, REID Foundation president gave a briefing on the PBI. Gov. Gwen Garcia, chairperson of the Metro Cebu Development Board and Mayor Mike Rama, Regional Development Council chairman, also attended last Friday’s launching of the PBI. Both presented their infrastructure development framework for their areas and gave their commitment to support the PBI.

Public Works and Highways Secretary Rogelio Singson was represented during the launching by the DPWH Planning Service Director Melvin Navarro while Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim was represented by DOT Assistant Secretary Benito Bengson, Jr. Both relayed their department’s support for the PBI and willingness to work with the PBI Coalition in Cebu. The DPWH and the DOTC are mandated by the government to carry out the transport component of the infrastructure program of the government. The country’s Tourism Act of 2009 mandated the DOT to coordinate with the DPWH and the DOTC for a tourism infrastructure program with the budgets for both agencies.

Rep. Rachel Marguerite Del Mar of Cebu City’s north district witnessed the launching of the PBI with some LGU chiefs and officials in Metro Cebu. The others present included heads and/or representatives of the regional agencies of NEDA, DBM, DILG, DOT and DPWH and the offices of the Cebu Port Authority, Mactan International Airport Authority and Metro Cebu Water District.

In their initial work, the REID Foundation, CBC and some of the concerned business groups and CSOs in Cebu already submitted a short list of priority projects for inclusion in the 2012 DPWH budget.

For the rest of the year, the main activity of the PBI coalition will include the study, identification and prioritization of Cebu’s infrastructure projects for inclusion in the 2013 Infrastructure Program and budget of the national government.