Forum tackles hazards of mercury

The Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), in cooperation with the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI) and Ban Toxics! held a forum to enhance knowledge about the harmful effects of mercury.

The forum, participated by around 100 students and teachers from CEAP schools and universities and other academic institutions in Cebu, was held at the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R).

In his welcome remarks, Rev. Fr. Enrico Peter Silab, USJ-R president and CEAP director for Region 7, hoped that the forum would jumpstart the mercury-free school project in Central Visayas.

Mercury, a naturally occurring element, is one of the most well-known toxic heavy metals. Exposure to mercury in any of its forms can lead to adverse effects on the developing brain, as well as IQ, and impairment in motor, memory and language.

Mercury can be found in household items like thermometers, lamps, LCD monitors and in equipment used to extract gold and silver in small-scale mining.

The forum was aimed at campaigning for a mercury-free program in schools.

Forum participants took turns writing their commitment and support for the project.

“I really hope to have the mercury-free school project in Cebu realized in collaboration with CEAP and RAFI as part of our advocacy for sustainable environment and child’s health,” Bang Palacio, Ban Toxics! Mercury-Free School project coordinator, said.

A baseline survey will be conducted to set the project in motion in Cebu. Survey respondents are encouraged to cooperate by providing accurate information.

For more information about the mercury-free school project, contact Bang Palacio at 0927992-4573.