Consolidated FOI bill mostly Palace version

Rep. Jorge Almonte Facebook Photo

MANILA, Philippines—Most of the provisions in the consolidated Freedom of Information bill that the technical working group in the House of Representatives approved were lifted from the Malacañang version of the proposed measure that ensures transparency and accountability in the government.

In a statement sent by e-mail on Wednesday, public information committee chair Misamis Occidental Rep. Jorge Almonte said most of the provisions in the Malacañang version can be found in the consolidated bill.

“Majority of the provisions of the administration version had been incorporated in the consolidated bill. However, there are slight modifications in the exceptions and a different penal provision in the latter version,” Almonte said.

Among the provisions from the Malacañang version that found their way in the consolidated one are:

The only exemption not in the Palace bill and in a new addition is on information on currencies, interest rates, securities, commodities, or financial institutions, disclosure of which would  lead to fraud, manipulation, or other unlawful acts or schemes.

The consolidated bill also lessened the penalty to a month and one day to six months imprisonment, from prison correccional in the administration version.

Almonte said the TWG deleted the provision for implementing rules and regulations “because the authors believe that the FOI manual is specific and sufficient guide for the faithful compliance and implementation of the bill.”

He also said some authors inserted Open Data provisions, which refer to the Open Data Philippines website, that seeks to enhance the public’s access to government information.

The bill also contained a matrix of requests, its status and the decisions on the request.

Almonte said the committee targets to approve the bill by the end of the year before it advances to the plenary for second reading.

The FOI bill, which ensures transparency and accountability in government transactions and data, continues to languish in the lower chamber even as the Senate has approved its version.

The TWG was formed to consolidate the 24 versions of the bill.


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