Woman survives Lapu bridge jump

A 47-year-old woman was rescued by policemen after she allegedly jumped off Cebu’s Marcelo Fernan Bridge yesterday noon.

The woman, who is believed to be from Pinamungajan town based on the identification card found in her possession, was rushed to the Lapu-Lapu City District Hospital and was later transferred to the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center where she remains in critical condition.

Witnesses told the police that they saw the woman fall from the top of the bridge, estimated to be at least 150 feet high. Promenaders at the Millenium Park, which is just below the bridge, said the woman landed a few meters away from the park’s pier. They immediately alerted the police stationed at the nearby Maritime Police detachment.

Busted camera

People tasked to monitor the closed circuit television cameras mounted at the bridge said they were not able to witness the incident as their camera was busted.

The Maritime Police are coordinating with the Pinamungajan Municipal Police Office to notify the woman’s family. /CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA
