PhilHealth turns over P9M to Cebu City

THE Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) turned over more than P9.4 million in per family payment to the Talamban health center as provider of Primary Care Benefit (PCB 1) package to some 37,000 poor families sponsored by the Cebu City government.

PCB 1 is PhilHealth’s outpatient preventive and diagnostic package for sponsored members.

PhilHealth pays the provider a maximum per family payment rate of P500 per year for every sponsored member and dependent it enlisted, profiled and served.

Payment is made on a quarterly basis upon submission of the required documents. The local government managing the health center is also required to put up a trust fund for this purpose.

In Cebu City, Talamban health center is the sole accredited PCB 1 provider. PhilHealth paid the health center more than P9.4 million for PCB 1 services—including enlistment and health profiling—covering the first and second quarter of 2012.

Aside from enlistment and profiling, PCB 1 services include primary preventive services, such as regular blood pressure monitoring and cancer detection using acetic acid; diagnostic procedures, such as complete blood count and urinalysis; and, free drugs and medicines for asthma, acute gastroenteritis (mild or no dehydration), low risk pneumonia and urinary tract infection.