Pork rewards PNoy’s allies

If President Benigno Aquino III abolishes the pork barrel system and no longer allows members of Congress to identify the projects to be funded in their districts, congressmen would no longer implement projects without coordinating with local government officials.

This would prevent confusion and conflict between the congressmen and the local government officials. However,  the President can’t  do away with the pork barrel because it is one way for him to control members of Congress, stabilize his government and consolidate support for his political agenda.

If the President wants to get what he wants, he can very well do it by using pork barrel funds to reward supporters. This is the only plausible reason for his refusal to junk the pork barrel system.

The support of Congress is crucial for a leader’s political survival. As long as a President can give lawmakers the discretionary funds they want, they will support him all the way. Conversely, do not give Congress what it wants and it would be the end of your political life.

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The fact that Janet Lim-Napoles, alleged  mastermind of the P10 billion pork barrel scam, chose to surrender to the President and not to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has raised eyebrows.

Apparently, Napoles does not trust the people in the NBI. If reports are to be believed, she thinks that NBI agents are out to kill her to stop her from divulging what she knows about the pork barrel scam.

The NBI was out of the loop with regard to  Napoles’ surrender. The President turned her over to the Philippine National Police.

In any case, I think we should be happy that Napoles surrendered and is in the hands of the government so that finally we can unearth the whole truth about the scam.

Napoles should name the members of Congress who funneled their pork barrel funds to her dubious nongovernment organizations and profited in doing so.

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Many must have seen the new traffic lights in Mandaue City that have contributed to the smooth traffic flow there.

The lights feature timers that show motorists how long they have to wait before the light turns green.

I hope Cebu City acquires  the same traffic equipment because it helps motorists and pedestrians move in the streets.

Meanwhile, Cebu City’s Traffic Operations Management (Citom) should apprehend the owners of motor vehicles parked overnight along the roads.

Loading and unloading areas should be strictly designated. Citom should also apprehend vehicles and other obstructions to the flow of the traffic especially materials unloaded by construction companies.

Our narrow streets should be free from obstructions.

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We really hope that the oil spill that has affected  mangroves and the livelihood of the fisherfolk in Cordova town will finally be remedied.

It has been reported that the mangroves can still survive.  The 2Go shipping company has hired experts to plug the leakage of oil from its sunken vessel.   We hope this is enough to contain the damage on the marine life and the Cordova community.