Palace dismisses ‘special treatment’ to Napoles

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines– Malacanang on Thursday dismissed criticisms that Janet Lim-Napoles was being given special treatment when no less than President Benigno Aquino III came with her when she surrendered to the police Wednesday night.

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda, who helped facilitate Napoles’ surrender, said anyone who would want to surrender to the President may also do so.

“Kung gusto po nila, bakit hindi?” Lacierda said during a press briefing in Malacanang, when asked if other fugitives can also surrender to Aquino.

As to the President’s decision to accompany Napoles at the Camp Crame in Quezon City, Lacierda said it was simply because the night was late and Aquino just decided to join the team who brought her to the police.

“Sabi nya (President), tutal puyat na tayo, damay-damay na,” said the spokesperson, quoting the President.

Lacierda said Napoles was brought to the President in Malacanang at 9:37pm.

Lacierda said that it was he who who called Napoles’ lawyer, Lorna Kapunan, at 12:37pm on Wednesday after the latter’s reported statements on television that her client was willing to surrender.

The spokesman said he and Kapunan talked for about 10 minutes.

After their conversation, Lacierda said he reported the matter to the President, who told him: “Pag bumalik na sya, let me know.”

At 4:06 pm, Lacierda said Kapunan called back and told him that Napoles was willing to surrender to the President.

Lacierda said he went back to the President, who at that time had already coordinated with Interior Secretary Mar Roxas.

Lacierda said Roxas provided him escorts and vehicles. He said they left Malacanang at past 6pm.

“At that point, the question was where do I see you?” he said of Kapunan.

He said Kapunan directed him to go to NQIf where he met the lawyer and Napoles’ husband, Jimmy.

It was the husband, Lacierda said, who told them to proceed to Heritage Park where they met Ms. Napoles with another female companion.

At 9:37pm, Lacierda said, they went back to Malacanang to meet the President along with Roxas and other Palace officials.

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