Soldiers join ‘Run to Educate’ in Dumaguete

THE 3rd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army participated in a running competition dubbed “Run to Educate- Silliman Run 2011” recently in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental.

Initiated by Silliman University Alumni Association, about 3,000 runners from different groups in the city and Negros Oriental joined the competition that opened the month-long celebration of 110th founding anniversary of the university on Aug. 28.

Maj. Benjamin Aguilan Jr., information officer, said their participation in the Silliman run is part of the new internal peace and security plan of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which is “Bayanihan” putting importance on education as the key towards a better future and solution against insurgency and poverty.

The running event included 1.1k, 5.5k and 11k categories.

The 105 Howitzer Canon of the Charlie Battery, 6th Field Artillery Battalion fired three blank ammunitions as the starting gun of the running event, Maj. Aguilan said.