Cops rescue ‘rape victim’

Police rescued a 17-year-old girl who was allegedly raped twice by her employer in barangay Pagsabungan, Mandaue City.

The girl was turned over to social workers after she was rescued from the house of her employer last Wednesday.

(Cebu Daily News is withholding the name of the employer pending the filing of charges against him.)

The employer was not at home during the rescue.

The girl has been working as a maid with the man’s family for the past seven months.

PO2 Pearl Ann Flores of the women’s desk of the Basak police precinct said the girl did not report the alleged rape after she was threatened by her employer.

Flores said it was a concerned citizen who reported it to the police.

According to the investigation, the girl was first raped on July 23 while she slept on a sofa.

The deed happened again on Aug. 1 while the girl was baby sitting inside a room of her employers’ house.

Sometime this month, the man scolded the girl, who went out of the house and confided her ordeal to a neighbor.

Flores said investigators are still waiting for the result of the medical examination before charges could be filed against the employer. REPORTER JUCELL MARIE P. CUYOS