Replacement PCOS delivered Friday

CONTINGENCY units of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines were delivered yesterday to various polling precincts of town and cities in Cebu province.

The extra machines will serve as replacements of any units that malfunctioned during the PCOS Final Testing and Sealing (FTS) last Wednesday.

Initally, the Comelec found six PCOS machines that totally malfunctioned during the final testing. .

But to make sure all PCOS machines function well for Monday’s vote, the Comelec decided to replace even those with minor glitches.

“Some of these have very minor malfunctions but I want to see to it it that these will be replaced so that we have peace of mind during the elections,” said Eddie Aba, Cebu election supervisor.

He said some of the recalled units were not able to print the election returns while others had defective compact flash (CF) cards.