DENR to politicians: Clean up your own mess

THE environment department warned yesterday that mismanaged election trash could aggravate flooding.

“It should be remembered that after the elections, wet season comes and flooding in urban areas occurs more aggressively because of garbage that are trapped in narrow and clogged waterways such as rivers and creeks,” said Dr. Isabelo Montejo, regional executive director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Central Visayas.

The environment official also called on politicians to go green or earth-friendly in their campaign.

Supporters of the candidates must ensure trash produced during campaign sorties are properly disposed.

“Heaps of garbage will surely be produced if our candidates will not do their share of thinking and doing for the environment,” Montejo said.

Instead of using non-biodegradable campaign paraphernalia, Montejo said an alternative is to use locally-sourced and reusable materials.

He also reminded again candidates not to nail campaign materials on trees.

Montejo also said that the candidates should consider taking a closer look on environmental issues by including waste avoidance and reduction to their advocacy and strategy.

He added that the thousand victims of flooding in some parts of the country should remind the candidates that places where garbage is improperly disposed have been tagged as one of the culprits./Kristine Ann Fernandez and Renan Alangilan