Mandaue police eye ‘local boys’ in fatal robbery

The deadly robbery in Mandaue City last Tuesday was a handiwork of a ‘local boy’, said police.

Based on the execution of the crime, the robber who shot and killed Lyriza Amar, 24, was an amateur, Chief Insp. Michael Anthony Bastes, chief of the Investigation and Detection Management Branch (IDMB) of the Mandaue City Police Office (MCPO) said.

“Kato siya kay bag-o pato nga sibol kay na rattle man to siya nisukol man gud ang biktima. Ang professional nga robbers dili na sila mupatay (The robber was a neophyte because he panicked when the victim fought back. Professional robbers don’t kill their victims),” Bastes said.

Amar, 24, loan relations officer of ZFA Credit Corp., had just withdrew P100,000 cash from a bank inside a mall in barangay Bakilid, Mandaue City.

The woman was shot in the chest when she resisted.

The robber fled on a motorcycle which commandeered from a motorists who stopped for traffic near the place where the robbery occurred.

Bastes said the robber, who a wore a red hooded jacket, white inner t-shirt, brown cargo shorts and a pair of slippers, was caught in a security camera of a nearby establishment.

The footage was taken before the robbery occurred.

The man in the video was identified by a witness who saw the robbery.

In the video, the man seen roaming near crime scene and appeared he was waiting for someone, police said.

The footage needs to be enhanced to improve the images, said Bastes./REPORTER JUCELL MARIE P. CUYOS