Dynamite lobbed at cop’s house

UNIDENTIFIED men lobbed dynamite at a house of a policeman in barangay Tominhao, Daanbantayan town, northern Cebu.

No one was hurt in the incident but the explosion damaged the fence and the sari-sari store of SPO1 Mamerto Gastador, head of the intelligence division of the Daanbantayan police precinct.

The policeman was in Cebu City, while his family was sleeping in the house when the incident happened around 1 a.m. yesterday.

PO3 Dennis Velez of Daanbantayan police said there were two explosions.

Two to three persons could be involved in the incident.

Gastador said revenge could be the motive of the attack.

Gastador said people whom he arrested for illegal drugs could be behind the attack.

He said the incident could be a way of threatening him to stop the operations against illegal drugs.

Gastador said that he had been receiving threats through text messages a week before the blast./Correspondent Joy Cherry S. Quito