PNP assures ‘no guns, goons’

Chief Supt. Marcelo Garbo Jr. , Central Visayas police director, yesterday said the police are serious about ensuring a May 13 election with “no guns, no goons”.

This drive also contributes to the safety of members of the press covering the election, he said.

Garbo yesterday spoke at a PNP-Comelec dialog with the Cebu Citizens-Press Council aimed at improving relations between police and the working press for the upcoming election.

He said the May polls would be a model for the 2016 election.

He urged field reporters and other media workers not to take their security for granted and to be vigilant.

“Just being a media man is not a passport for being protected,” he said.

Teams of the Provincial Public Safety Company have been sent to Bogo City, said Senior Supt. Patrocinio Comendador Jr.

In the 2007 election, chief photographer Alex Badayos of Sun.Star Cebu was mauled by a candidate’s supporters in Bogo City during a tense transfer of ballot boxes.

The 2010 election was more peaceful but a roadside standoffff in Bogo between supporters of 4th district Rep. Benhur Salimbangon and the Martinez clan left vehicles stranded for several hours.

Garbo said a press ID card is no guarantee for safety.

Deciding where to go and how to conduct yourself “is a judgment call”, he said for field reporters in going to election hotspots.

“We are very serious in this play. We will not allow guns and goons in the upcoming election,” said Garbo.

Bogo city is part of the 4th congressional district. The Comelec has placed the entire 4th district under its Election Watchlist Areas (Ewas).

Garbo cited the strong partnership of the PNP and the Comelec.

Senior Supt. Armando Radoc, chief of Police Community Relation of PRO-7, said journalists also have to watch out for their own safety during news coverage.

He said if journalists assess that they are not safe in going to a certain place, then they should not pursue penetrating the area.

The security risk during election affects everyone – the media , PNP and election officers.

The dialogue was held in the Media Center of Camp Sergio Osmeña, a project of the CCPC.