The heat is on

There were a couple of memory songs about “a hot time tonight,” referring to good times with friends and family, particularly in “Summer time… when the livin’ is easy.” But those belong to the “good old days,” when living was truly easy. However, in this fast-moving modern day and age, memories continue to keep us grounded.

Speaking of hot times, literally, we thought that was it, Friday last week, the hottest day this year, so far. But the weatherman says there’s more to come to last us through the month of May. And “April showers, that bring May flowers”? We did have a couple of early morning pouring rains last week in Cebu city, but while it did not bring the temperature down, it did bring out the flowers: the golden shower flowers in a neighborhood tree, in some fire trees along the way, and, of course, the multi-colored bougainvilleas on garden walls all over town.

More on hot times, the Sabah situation, which we thought was cooling down, shows some disturbing “quiet” developments. But the North Korea situation is literally hot news these days. We can only wait and say “abangan ang susunod.”

With the pre-election campaigning, that is something for mass media to report on. But candidates, do spare us the mud-slinging and name-calling, and tell us what you plan to do if elected, remembering to work on these when you are “in.” Do not make us wail, “promises..promises”.

Now for serious remembering and commemorating. Last Tuesday, April 9th, the nation observed our 71st “Araw ng Kagitingan” (Day of Valor), with President Benigno Aquino III leading the nation at memorable Mount Samat in Pilar, Bataan, honoring the fallen and the living, our Filipino soldiers who fought during World War II. Over and above the annual ritual of wreath-laying and speech-making, he pledged to “fully deliver the benefits of the thousands of World War II veterans, even as he challenged (us) to emulate their selfless sacrifice.”

Remembered during the 2013 Philippine War Veterans Week was the Fall of Bataan in 1942, and the infamous “Death March” when captured Filipino and American troops were forced to walk from Bataan and Tarlac. Meanwhile, Filipino heroes of the past and present were honored in a ceremony held on Corregidor Island in Cavite.

The day before our “Araw nga Kagitingan,” Monday, April 8th, marked the passing away of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at the age of 87. Known as the Iron Lady, “she had led an indelible imprint in British politics and society as both a political titan and a cultural icon,”, and was a “a national savior who ended Britain’s post-World War II cycle of confrontation and decline” in her “bruising 11 years as Prime Minister,” to quote some of the many tributes in her honor, including many more from from political personalities in the Philippines which also mourned her passing away.

Here in the Philippines, Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Mahar Mangahas paid a lengthy tribute in his column last Saturday to Onofre “OD” Corpus, who recently passed away at the age of 86. He was “a political scientist–both as academic and as practitioner–a historian, an economist, and an institutional builder, of the Development Academy of the Philippines, in particular,” and a man of many accomplishments for the University of the Philippines,” to mention a few of his feats. God rest his soul.

Now, for local activities I have been involved in. Last Saturday, the Cebu Council of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) held a 2013 Annual Council Meeting and Awards Ceremony at the Diamond Suites and Residences.

Achievement Awards were given for membership, badgework and badges bought, camping, training, and finance and NES (National Equipment Service) sales. Also given out were awards for PHL Troop Achievement, the GSP on-the-spot Poster Making Contest winners (which I already reported on last week), as well as various Service Awards.

Our keynote speaker Bishop Julito Cortes, auxiliary bishop of Cebu, challenged us as women, working with our girls, our future women, to continue in loving service to help others with compassion in obedience to the Lord. In various ways, he reminded us that in a “Civilization of Love,” we take care of each other, and thus serve God.

In Biblical references, he cited women’s participation in many instances: Mary Magdalene first reporting what would later be recognized as Christ’s Resurrection; Jesus becoming Man through Mary, His Mother; and later honoring women in many ways, including compassion (with admonition to sin no more) for the woman caught in adultery, Jesus as the Lord of Mercy revealing Himelf to Sister Saint Faustina (Solemnity of Divine Mercy was observed last Sunday, too!); and His Mother Mary enjoining the guests at the wedding in Cana who were running out of wine, to pour out water which turned out to be finest wine.

To conclude a memorable meeting and awards ceremony, Bishop Cortes congratulated the Cebu GSP Council, and contributed a song,”You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Thank you, Bishop Cortes!

Last Sunday afternoon, we of the Cebu United Radio and Television Artisrts, Inc. held our monthly meeting at the Rizada residence in Tisa, Labangon. Highlight of the meeting was the announcement of changes in our line-up of officers, after the resignation of president Edgar Gutierrez due to his current work schedule, although he retains his membership: president Teofy del Mar, vice president Nick Ampatin, secretary Debbie Sta. Cruz (temporarily unable to serve due to health problems), acting secretary Cora Rosales-Jayme, treasurer Susan Solante, auditor Precy Vidal, and board members Fred Quiño, Elise Rizada (abroad), Edgar Gutierrez, Tony Rabanes, and Leandro Patalinghug.

Tomorrow, at 2 p.m. on radio dyLA, do listen in to our Women’s Kapihan” which I host, with the theme “Women in Politics.”

And now personally, a belated “Happy birthday” to good friend Rosita “Chit” Arcenas who marked her natal day last April 4th. Chit is the widow of my late surgeon, gynecologist, and physician, Dr. Ramon Arcenas. I was honored to have been invited by her to her intimate birthday party with son Danny and wife Alou Arcenas; daughter-in-law Jojo, wife of her son Dr. Dondi Arcenas, EENT, who was then busy operating on a patient; Leah Rodriguez; and Jojo’s son Gabriel, all at Shabu-shabu Restaurant.

Until next week then, as always, may God continue to bless us, one and all!