Children’s shelter needs a new home

Global One Realty and Property Management Corp. is seeking the help of anybody in finding a home for the Terre Sans Frontiere Foundation (TSF), a non-government organization that offers temporary shelter to neglected children.

The regular funding that helped feed and care for the less fortunate children was cut off by their parent organization in France due to the European budget crisis.

TSF executive director Gerard Jean Jose said they can only stay in their current location in Basak, San Nicolas until April 15.

Global One Realty, whose aim is to improve the lives of its agents and make a difference in the community and the nation, discovered the plight of TSF during their visit last December to share their blessings with the children.

The event was graced by “PBB’s Darling Dude of Cebu,” Ms. Divine Maithland Smith. Global One visited the home again last February 2013 to turn over a refrigerator unit, which the foundation badly needed.

Those who wish to help TSF may contact Gerard Jose at 4146380.