Human trafficking victims train to become leaders

The Department of Social Welfare and Development in Central Visayas (DSWD) recently conducted a leadership training for the 20 victim-survivors of human trafficking from Cebu Province.

Rosemarie Salazar, DSWD’s focal person on Family and Women Welfare Program, said they also helped the participants organize themselves into a support group whose members were identified based on their potential to be a leader and determination to change.

“Considering the different dynamics of these survivors, they need the support of each other to sustain their reintegration plans and ensure that they will not be re-victimized,” Salazar added.

Fr. Loreto Jaque, a diocesan priest trained in Expressive Arts Therapy, facilitated the training. The therapy is based on archetypal psychology, which is geared more towards care, instead of cure of the soul.

Prior to the training, Fr. Jaque administered a healing process through games and interaction.

The training emphasized that developing leadership skills is necessary for the victim-survivors to regain their values and self-worth which they lost when they were still into the flesh trade.

“Each of the survivors have their own unique experiences and stories on their coping mechanism, which encouraged others especially those who are still in the healing process,” Salazar said.

During the training, Fr. Jaque underscored the importance of shared leadership to achieve success of activity undertaken by the support group. Other activities were small group discussions on good communication to maintain and sustain group interest.