UP to offer mobile application course

An online course on Android applications development will soon be available as the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and Smart Communications Inc. signed an agreement last Feb. 20 for the undertaking.

The signing held in UP Los Baños coincided with the UPOU’s 18th founding anniversary with the theme “Connecting minds, lives, communities.”

“Together with UP, we are creating a national hub for apps development learning,” said Smart Chief Wireless Advisor Orlando B. Vea.

The course will be offered by UPOU as a massive open distance e-Learning (MODeL) course.

This is part of UPOU’s “opening (its) educational resource as a means to bring about social transformation. It is not just about tearing down barriers but making quality education more accessible to the public beyond the formal classroom,” said UPOU Chancellor, Dr. Grace Javier Alfonzo.

Aside from Android Apps Development, the agreement also covers Technopreneurship course for aspiring technologists.