Farmer gunned down

A 41-YEAR-OLD farmer was shot dead by his neighbor whom he allegedly tried to hack after they argued in a drinking session in barangay Adlawon, Cebu City early morning yesterday.

Remegio Bontilao suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

Police said suspect, Rotche Barcoso, fled after the attack.

Police said Bontilao and Barcoso started drinking around 7 p.m. Friday.

As the drinking binge went on, the two men argued that prompted Barcoso to go home.  Barcoso was a few meters from his house when Bontilao appeared and tried to attack him with a bolo.

Police said Barcoso drew a gun and shot Bontilao repeatedly.

An empty .45 caliber shell was found in the crime scene./Correspondent Joy Cherry S. Quito