Capitol stand-off good for Cebu’s democracy

FOR a political science professor, acting Gov. Agnes Magpale was right in locking out suspended Gov. Gwendolyn.Garcia from the Governor’s Office.

Grace Magalzo, head of he Political Science Department of the University of San Carlos, said Magpale was only exerting her authority as acting governor because Garcia’s stay in the Capitol is already overdue.

She said what has been happening in the Capitol is “extraordinary politics”.

“Extraordinary in the sense that we have a suspended governor who continues to occupy the Capitol. If not for yesterday (Wednesday), I don’t know until when that set up will continue and good thing Gov. Magpale is able to contain that extraordinary politics. It reached to a point nga it has to end and suspended Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia was not forcibly evicted from the Capitol,” she said.

Rule of law

She said the events starting from Garcia’s suspension is a good sign that democracy is working in Cebu.

“What we are seeing lately in the Capitol, particularly in the province of Cebu is a good experience of democracy. It allows the Cebuanos to reflect on issues pertaining to democracy like legitimacy, legality, the rule of law, and the alleged clamor of the people,” she said.

She added that the entire scenario has almost become like a ‘teleserye’ that people are following.

If indeed the political scenario in the Capitol has become a ‘teleserye,’ what does its viewers have to say about its latest chapter?

Both Danilo Jacob, a sidewalk vendor, and Joselito Compasion, a cobbler, agree with the closure of the governor’s office. “Sakto ra sad to para wa na’y gubot ba. Mabalik na ang kalinaw sa Kapitolyo kay maglibog man gud ang mga tawo nga duha kabuok ang gobernador (It was just right so that the crisis would end. Order would return in the Capitol because people are getting confused why we have two governors),” Jacob said.

“Maayo rang gisirad-an uy kay dugay na kaayo na iyang suspension order pero wa gyud siya nisunod. Maayo na para dili na siya kabalik. Lain nasad ang atong padumalaon ba (It is good that the office was closed because the suspension order has long been served but she (Garcia) never followed it. It is good so that she could no longer return. Another leader has to lead),” Compasion said.

However, there were also those who thought of Magpale’s order as harsh and inhumane, such as Pedro Palas, a taxi driver.

“Ingon ana nalang gyud sila ka wa’y kasing-kasing? Naa pa man gu’y laing pamaagi gawas sa pag-padlock (Are they that heartless? There are other means aside from padlocking the office)” said Palas.

Despite the diverse opinion, Prof. Magalzo said that the fact that people are commenting on the issue shows that they are participating in the province’s governance.

“Lingaw pud ang nahitabo sa Capitol.These opinion from ordinary Cebuanos would tell that they are really aware of what is happening,” she said.

She hopes that this continuing political stand-off would lead to a transformation in the political scenario in Cebu.

“Let this serve as a lesson to all politicians. Hopefully this would change their mentality and let them give value to good governance and accountability” she said.