Public – private tie-up for Cebu 911 hotline

The Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council CCDRRMC) will tap the private sector in setting up an integrated emergency call system similar to 911 in the US.

In a consultation meeting held yesterday, representatives of the private sector pledged support to the project which would speed up emergency response in the city.

Doctors and leaders of civic organizations sat together and came up with the idea to establish a private organization to take part in establishing a disaster command center.

Dr. Shawn Espina, a surgeon, said they will be coordinating with the different civic sectors especially in gathering funds for disaster operations.

Espina said the organization will be led by the All-Terrain Medical Relief Operation (AMRO), an organization that assists victims of calamities.

They will also be coordinating with the Cebu Lions Club of the Rotary Club of Cebu.

The Cebu Fil-Chinese Volunteer Fire Brigade and the Philippine Red Cross Cebu Chapter already committed to take part of the organization.

They will also be tapping the Cebu Chambers of Commerce and Industry to coordinate with them.

The participation of the organization will focus on the training of dispatchers and receivers, said Espina.

“We are going to ask professional organizations to take part in the project to gather funds. This is not for our sake, this is for everybody,” Espina said.

Alvin Santillana, operations head of the CCDRMC said while a budget has already been allocated for the command center, they still need help from the private sector.

A budget of P80 million will be needed for the project. Already P40 million is available to fund construction of the commander center near the access road in Mambaling.

Santillana said the proposed 911 phone hotline will be way easier and faster than the DILG’s 117 emergency hotline.

With the help of the private sectors, Santillana said the system will eventually be expanded into a province-wide emergency center.