Rama: Citi Center ordinance wrong

THE ordinance imposing moratorium on the planned demolition of the Citi Center Complex in barangay Kamagayan is a “wrong ordinance” and unnecessary, said Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama.

Rama yesterday asked his office staff to make sure that they monitor the submission of the copy of the ordinance to his office for his signature.

Without saying that he will veto the ordinance, Rama said its passage was an encroachment of his function as mayor.

“Maybe the City Council forgot that they are not the mayor,” Rama told reporters yesterday.

The City Council passed last Wednesday a ordinance imposing a moratorium on the demolition of the Citi Center Complex.

Councilor Alvin Dizon, author of the ordinance and the council’s housing committee chairperson, said a suitable relocation site should first be reserved for the 300 families who are now occupying the complex, a former private wet market seized by City Hall because of unpaid taxes.

But even Rama allies in the council, Jose Daluz III and Edgar Labella, who were present during the session did not question the ordinance.

Rama said the City

Council could have just sat down with him and discussed their concerns on the Citi Center Complex.

“If the intention is just to defer the demolition would you need an ordinance?, “ he said.

Rama said he can invoke the general welfare clause to implement the clearing of the Citi Center Complex if the need arises.

He said the complex has deteriorated over the years into a drug and prostitution den.