Rama tells allies: Don’t campaign yet

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama urged members of Team Rama to fight the temptation of premature campaigning.

Rama said his group should set the example for other politicians to follow.

The mayor was reacting to complaints against Team Rama posters along major roads.

“My directive is that if they can still control it, they have to wait for the proper time (for the campaign period to start). Ug dili na gyud ma pugngan, not along the main roads lang,” he said.

Intelligent voters

The mayor said “Cebuano voters are intelligent” and would remember the violations of their opponents from the Bando Osmeña Pundok Kauswagan (BOPK).

Asked if he was aware of the posting of his tarpaulins and that of his runningmate, Councilor Edgar Labella and council Gerry Guardo, Mayor Rama said he did not authorize the postings and have already ordered the removal of their posters..

He expressed confidence on the intelligence of Cebuano voters who will surely remember the Comelec violations of their opponents from BOPK who are now posting huge tarpaulins in various parts of the city.

“We will win. Let them continue their defiance (of election laws) but at least we watch our own actions. Cebuanos are intelligent voters,” said Rama.

Premature display

Rama announced during his press conference yesterday that he has warned Team Rama members against the premature display of their campaign materials.

He a specifically warned Sambag 1 barangay captain Jerry Guardo whose posters have proliferated the streets..

Guardo’s posters are pasted on concrete walls along major thoroughfares in Cebu City’s north district.

‘Dirty’ posters

“I have talked to Jerry Guardo and told him that those posters does not speak well of him and it looks dirty,” said Rama.

Guardo could not be reached to comment last night.

Rama said he wanted his Team Rama members to wait for the start of the campaign period before they should start to hang their campaign materials while he also ask Comelec to look into the campaign materials already being displayed by BOPK candidates.

He said that billboards that are put up on private property will also be checked to see if it complies with the city’s billboard ordinance.